Chapter 5.22, Generation 5

Chapter 5.22 – Rockport


This summer was extremely hot. To the point that running was almost impossible. I still tried on cooler evenings because I missed it, but my days were mostly spent in the lake, swimming.

Of course I couldn’t go to the beach, I didn’t want to risk running into Kevin again. Especially when I wasn’t sure how to explain the other night. I was attracted to him, there was no doubt about that, but the timing just wasn’t right. How could I commit to a relationship when Caleb died only two years ago. On top of that, Kev is dealing with his own problems with his past relationship. I could give it a try, sure, but that would mean I could potentially break his heart again and that’s the last thing he needs.

But I couldn’t avoid him forever. New Lakeshire is a small town and most of the action took place on the water, so it was only a matter of time, until he caught me sunbathing on the dock while riding his water scooter. Again, such a similar situation, yet so different.

I waited until the sound of the engine quieted down and looked up.

“Hey there.” He turned the key, silencing the scooter. “Can we talk?”

I nodded and scooted to the side to make more room for him. He jumped in the water, made a few quick temps and pulled himself up on the dock.

“So what happened the other night? I didn’t mean to come on to you like this. I’m…”

“It wasn’t that.” I cut him off. He really had nothing to apologize for. “I just..I’m not ready to start a new relationship, Kev. I don’t know if I ever will be.”

“Oh.” He said with a noticeable disappointment. “I get that.”

“Thank you for understanding.” I smiled apologetically. “You will always have a special place in my heart. You were my first love…first kiss, first break up.”

Kevin chuckled but then his face became more serious. “I guess we’re not meant to be.”

“I guess not.”

“Take care of yourself, ok?” He spread his arms, inviting me in for a hug.

I hugged him tightly, I knew this is going to be the last hug he and I will ever have.

He jumped in the lake with a splash and pulled himself up in the seat.

“Goodbye, Em.” He said before starting the noisy scooter.

“Goodbye, Kev.” I waved slowly, knowing he can’t hear my words.

That was it, another chapter of my life was closed forever. I watched him ride into the distance. The same way he did ten years ago when our story was just beginning.

It was a bittersweet moment that was interrupted by the ring tone of my phone.

“Hey, what’s up?” I answered my brother’s call.

“Hey, hey. Nothing much, listen…do you have time tomorrow?” He sounded a little nervous.

“It depends. What do you need?”

“I need you to meet me in Rockport.”

“Rockport? Where the hell is Rockport?”

“It’s between Summerset and Hillside. Can you meet me there?”

“Sure, I guess, but why?”

“I’ll explain everything tomorrow, I’ll text you the address. Be there at two and don’t say anything to Owen.”

“O-ok, but..”

He hung up without letting me finish my sentence or saying goodbye.

I leaned back on my arms, pointing my chin up, allowing the sun to shine in my face.

What is he up to?


I was nervously watching the dirt road in front of me, lookin for my sister’s car.

Hopefully she didn’t get lost.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting, her gray Volkswagen beetle finally appeared. I waved my arm in the air to assure her she has the correct location.

We started walking towards the big old farm house. It’s seen better days, that’s for sure, but when I first saw it, the barn next to it and even the overgrown garden, I fell in love.

“What is this place?” Emmalee asked, all confused.

“Isn’t it beautiful here?” I was ecstatic to show her around.

“Yea, I mean…it could be.” She agreed but then continued. “If you have a load of money to spend on reno.”

“I know it’s in a rough shape, but do you think it’s fixable?”

“Of course it’s fixable, what are you up to with this place?”

“Ok look.” I stopped her and turned to face her. “Couple weeks ago, there was an accident on the highway not far from here. A truck transporting cows was involved so a bunch of vets from the surrounding area were called to help care for some of the injured animals, right?”

“Ok?” She still had no idea where I’m going with this and I couldn’t blame her, so I continued.

“Well we did what we could on the spot but some of them had to be brought to some local farms that offered help. Long story short, I came to Rockport to assist with the care of some of the cows that were transported here, and when I was talking to the farmer, he mentioned that there is an old farm for sale…”

“This place?” She looked around her in disbelieve. “You want to buy this place?”

“Well.” I hesitated and grinned. “Not want to, I kind of already did.” I finished in a high voice, expecting her reaction.

Emmalee started laughing like I just said the best joke she’s ever heard. When she realized I’m not laughing with her, her face got serious again. “Oh you’re not joking.”

“No, I own it. I used all the money grandpa left me so I don’t have much left for the repairs. That’s why you’re here. You’re an interior designer, how much do you think I’ll need?”

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “The key word is interior! I don’t know anything about structures and building codes. You’d have to get a contractor to look at everything. This house looks like it’s at least a hundred years old.” We made a few steps closer to the structure, Emmalee placing her hands on her hips. “I can’t tell you exactly how much it’s gonna cost you, Emmett, but it’s gonna be a lot.”

“Yea, I figured that.” I said quietly. “I had to buy it, Em. I can’t explain it. You know me, I plan and overthink everything, but when I saw it here. I don’t know, it felt like home.”

My sister looked at me and smiled. Almost as if she wished she found a place that would feel like home for herself. “What does Owen think about it?”

“Yea that’s another thing.” I scratched my head nervously. “He doesn’t know about it yet.”

“Oh, brother…you’re in trouble.”


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